For all those who have absolutely zero idea about Feng Shui, it is about creating balance between living spaces, working environment and the natural world.
Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese concept about creating harmony in the space. According to the Chinese mythology, the world is run by unseen forces and Feng Shui is about clearing the way for these forces to create balance in the space.
Feng Shui translates as wind and water and reveals how to balance the energies of any given space to assure health and good fortune for those inhabiting.
While most of them might think it as a superstition, the science of Feng Shui just helps to keep the mind clear and keep you energized.
So how do you incorporate Feng Shui in a space?
1. Declutter the space
The first and foremost thing in Feng Shui is to declutter, keep the space you reside clean. This helps in the flow of positive energy or “chi”.
Chi brings good health, wealth and luck.
2. Allow air and light inside
The constant flow of air and light brings in lot of energy in the space. So make you sure you have lot of windows in your home or office.
In case of dark corners use lamps and mirrors to reflect light.
3. Add plants
Live plants attract good chi especially air purifying plants. As they cleanse the air and make it breathable.
Plants like lucky bamboo, peace lily, ficus, rubber plant, English ivy, palm, Boston fern, philodendron, spider plant are excellent air purifiers.
4. Choose your favorite colors
Choosing your favorite colors can cheer you up and make you feel energized. Some colors have their own characteristics and different effects on the human mood
Red: Luck and wealth
Orange: Happiness and fun
Yellow: Mental stimulation and power
Green: Peace, balance and healing
Blue: Calmness, communication and spirituality
Purple: Wealth and high spirituality
White: Cleansing and purity
Black: Powerful
5. Follow Yin and Yang
Yin and Yang translate to feminine and masculine.
The concept of yin and yang tells us about the concept of balance and how the man and woman work together and the balance between these two forces is necessary for the nature to work.
Try incorporating the same concept to your space to strike balance in it
Implementing Feng Shui: Space wise
Front door
Make use of crystals to attract chi. While, each crystal has its own unique identity like Rose Quartz attracts love, Tourmaline represents protection, choose the one that attracts the energy that you lack.
Living rooms
Make sure you allow lots of light and air into this space.
Use sheer curtains for windows and doors to allow light and air.
Avoid sharp edges; go for circle/oval center tables or rectangle tables with rounded edges.
Do not cramp the space the primary motive of Feng Shui is to unblock the path of the energies so make sure the space is clutter free.
Plants attract positive chi so choose plants that purify the air and are of low maintenance too. Avoid plants with sharp corners like the cacti.
Adding a little red can make it energizing too.
Proper lighting is very important for any kitchen.
Keep it free from any kind of odor.
Make sure the kitchen has a window to allow in air and light.
Avoid unnecessary clutter and keep the kitchen clean.
Don’t overload the place with gadgets.
Place a bowl of fruits or fresh flowers to attract energy.
Using tones of yellow is a good sign as it promotes digestion.
Dining Table
Solid wood tables are to be preferred in the dining areas.
Try choosing round tables with comfortable chairs to promote equality and balance
Having a candle lit dinner in dim light is really beautiful but make sure you have enough lighting to see what you are eating.
Hang a mirror in the dining area to attract positive energy.
Choose appetizing art works to hang in the dining area.
Never hang a clock in this space as it keeps you on toes and deprive you of having your food peacefully.
Install dimmable wall sconces as they increase the room height and create an inviting ambience.
Do not use broken dishware in the space as it will create an uninviting impression on the guests and also attract negative energy.
Place shiny, vibrant glasses as they look good and reflect positive energy in the space.
Do not install a lot of electronics in the space as they can make you impatient and stress you.
Avoid too many electrical connections near your head. Make sure the space around your bed is clear and free from any electronics.
Avoid placing a television in bedrooms, as they tend to become the focal points and take away the calming energy.
Follow the concept of yin and yang in the bedroom as it belongs to both the forces and each one should be given equal importance. Make sure the energies are balanced and so is the décor and furniture.
In case you choose metal or wood for your bed, choose soft linens to balance it.
Fill the bedroom with cozy material to energize the environment and spread warmth.
Similar to the other rooms, keep your bedroom clutter free. Especially keep the space under your bed free from clutter and dust.
For a calming experience use hues of green and blue in the room that stimulates sleep.
Always keep the toilet door closed as the toilet can easily attract bad chi.
Make sure the room is clean, airy and fresh.
Hang a mirror in the toilet for the positive energy reflection.
Always keep the doors, windows and ventilator free from dust.
Home Office
Always keep your desk clutter free. Remove the unnecessary items from the desk.
Hide those ugly cables. Keep them away from your sight.
Place your desk in front of the door to make you feel powerful
Keep personal items in your office like your family photos or an item someone special gifted you to keep you calm in stressful situations.
Using cool colors like the hues of green and blue can also make you calm.
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