If one has a small home with a compact kitchen, it’s vital to design the kitchen corner cabinets efficiently to make their deep recesses more accessible. Nowadays, one can find several innovative ideas for corner cabinets. These include straight corner, L-corner cabinets and Open shelves more that can help to organize the space better. Soudha group present modular kitchen photos with few ideas to find the perfect option for kitchen wall corners units.
Open kitchen corner cabinets
Open Shelves or floating shelves are arrange in Corner areas which is best solution for small spaces kitchen. These look simple, elegant, do not block space and also afford more storage. Open shelves are easier to install and remove. In case there is a window on the adjacent wall, they also let light stream through. This type of storages are ideal for above the counter has been left open for easy access. The designer has balanced it with another open shelf to one side. If you would rather have the corner unit closed, double-hinged shutters would be your ideal choice. It’s one of the most budget-friendly kitchen cupboard designs one can come across as a solution for a corner.
L-corner unit solution for wall units
This type of unit we can open two shutters at a time which is a jointed together with hinge. It’s also known as pie cut turntable would both make a massive difference in the accessibility of your corner cabinet.
Best suitable for Wall unit. It has standard sizes 2feet (600mm) and 2’6 (650mm) width and depth should be 1feet, there is lot of chances to fail if we tried to increase its depth moreover totally dependent on wall hanging brackets capacity.
Its most likely to suitable for loft refer below detail drawing.
L-shaped or angled corner wall units unit (600mm x 600mm), no wall corner post is required, as the doors open up in the area where the L-shape shelves are provided with shutter or without shutter.
Straight corner solution for wall units/ Standard corner wall units
If you are using one of the standard corner wall units, where a 1 feet (300mm) blanking panel is used to butt up against the unit on the adjacent run then you are able to open the one shutter. Normally Straight Corners in wall unit’s sizes are 2 feet and 3 feet (600mm, 900mm) and its depth varies with client requirement.
This of units is available with shutters and with of shutters along with shelves refers below images.
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